Sunday, July 25, 2010

Swiffer fun!

So Kai is officially doing chores. Haha. NOT. (Well, we did learn in our parenting workshop about getting kids involved with chores! We're starting them off young. :) So, a few weeks ago I was trying to show him how to use our dry Swiffer, just for fun. He wasn't really interested and didn't want to grab the handle that I tried to put into his little hands. But, one day I just left the Swiffer laying on the floor because I got distracted to doing other household things. Kai found it, then proceeded to figure out how to pick it up! Once he figured it out (and got it out from between his legs!), he started having a good ol' time pushing and pulling it all over the first floor! It was so cute! He even pushed it under the couch and all the great places that never get swiffered because I'm too lazy to get all the yucky dog hair out from under those deep dark depths. :) Once I figure out how, I will put up the videos. They are too cute.

Though, to Kai, Swiffering is more fun than a chore. That probably explains why he didn't want to go down to nap after I let him Swiffer for 5-10 minutes and get way too stimulated! Oh well, it's worth having that moment of pure joy in watching your son find joy in life's simple pleasures. We all need to remember to stop to take time to enjoy the little things in life.

Update: Here is a photo...working on getting the video up!