Monday, July 12, 2010

Poo poo trail!

Yay! I'm glad I'm back into blogging about my adventures with Kai-kai. My lil' sweetie pie. Unfortunately, my previous blog posts on are now in Neverneverland. I meant to transfer them over, but, sigh, it's too late. So, I must begin again!

My lil' one is now over a year old! Time sure does fly quickly! I'll begin this new blog with a funny story about my adventure today. :) If you're easily grossed out, you may want to stop reading now!

So, today, while trying to clean up the living room, my lil' monkey was keeping himself busy, as usual, finding all kinds of toys or things around the first floor to entertain himself. I was occupied with moving the table to make more space, just a for a minute or two. I smelled poopie, but thought maybe he just had a stinky diaper. When I finally stopped moving the table to look up, I found Kai-kai walking around with a smooshed bit of poopie under his right foot! EWWWW! I quickly picked him up, grabbed some paper towels, and washed it off in the sink. Uggh. Grody to da max. Then I followed the trail of poo poo prints all the way to the dining room, where I saw the lovely pile of "black jade" (as my mother-in-law would call it) that my dear doggie left for us. There were still some presents intact, but I saw the smooshed bit that my sweet Kai-kai had sadly mooshed into.

Now, the next question was, "How am I going to clean all this up, with a little toddler that likes to move constantly?" Put him in the dog's playpen? No, out of the question! I saw my lil' sweetie's bouncer, which he has not used since he started sitting up around 7 months, but he's recently taken an interest in it so I just buckled him in. (Though he's big for it, he was amused for a few minutes.) I quickly sprayed every last print with the doggie business stain/smell remover spray, then wiped it up with paper towels. Then, I washed MY feet and hands, and swiffered with the wet jet, just to make sure to get every last bit. DISGUSTING, to say the least. By the time I was done, my lil' one was stretching forward and paining to get out of the bouncer.

I dare say, God has a sense of humor! Mental note: Always keep an eye out for dog poop IN THE HOUSE! And, maybe it is worth the few hundred dollars or so to get our dog trained!

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! I'm glad you found it before it was in Kai's HANDS! ;-)
